Valerie Grinko
I applied to the MSEM program because I am interested in pursuing a management path in my career, and I thought that this particular master’s degree can assist me and provide the necessary knowledge in reaching my goals.
When working on the MSEM degree, I enjoyed the variety of classes and the broad spectrum of skills and knowledge that can be received as part of the program. While the core courses allowed to learn about the main principles of engineering management and prepared me for the next-level courses, the wide variety of electives gave me an opportunity to dive into areas of my interest and learn more about them.
The classes that I liked the most included Leadership Principles, Strategic Management, and Advanced Project Management. I think each of the classes supplied me with the skills that can be applied in my current and future career including leadership techniques and means to approach and work with people, decision evaluation and implementation that can assist an organization in achieving long-term goals, and methods helping to become an effective and confident project manager.
I am happy that I selected the MSEM program. I have already had a chance to apply some of the experience and knowledge that I received, and I am confident that I will continue applying learned skills while pursuing my management career.