Travis Williams
I bleed Razorback red and always have. It has been a dream of mine to attend the University of Arkansas and the MSOM program aligned perfectly with my career interests while far exceeding my expectations. I found it slightly difficult to articulate my military experience as a logistics manager, given the nature of the military, coupled with the amount of jargon and acronyms utilized within the force. The MSOM program has successfully bridged the gap and increased my confidence while pursuing employment in the supply chain management/logistics field following my transition. It was a cumulative learning experience because concepts and courses would build off of each other while bringing it all together with a course focusing on the macro perspective, like Strategic Management, for example.
I was incredibly nervous to start the program due to my lack of experience with Microsoft Excel and data analytics in general. The courses are designed to teach you everything you need to know while providing you with fantastic instructors that truly want nothing more than for you to succeed. I was initially skeptical of the 8-week terms because of the fast-paced nature of the courses but found that they tend to, “fly by when you’re having fun.” They provide a perfect balance between challenging me but also holding my interest throughout the duration of the term.
I enjoy the thought of looking back in five years knowing my successes can be attributed to the skills and techniques learned from this program. If you are contemplating on whether to enroll into the MSOM program, then please allow this to act as a sign. It will provide value to anyone looking for a career change (me) or anyone that has years of experience due to your ability to tailor the course plan to your specific interests!