Nicholas O’Neal
After going back to school after being out for years and, while working full-time, I completed a bachelor’s degree in General Business from Southern Arkansas University. After finishing at SAU, I decided that I wanted to further extend my education to increase my employee value, so I started doing research. I came across the Master of Science in Operations Management program at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, Arkansas. This program had everything that I wanted and needed in a graduate program as a full-time professional going back to school to earn a graduate degree, so I applied and got started.
What I enjoyed about this program is that the MSOM program is designed for professionals who want to return to school to receive specialized training in managing business and government operations. Every industry and government organization needs operations management professionals to develop products and services to serve their customers.
Throughout the Master of Science in Operations Management program, I learned to apply the Ten Operations Management Decisions to lead and manage day-to-day and long-term business and government operations. With this new knowledge acquired, I plan to apply all of the skills I have learned to my current role as a Management Trainee.