Soumya Saleena
“Having previous experience in software industry, I was looking for a management program where I could learn about business administration. I was fortunate to find the Operations Management program as this course is a perfect mixture of management and finance. Through this course I gained skillset required to improve business process and address the bottleneck. MSOM highlights activities including accounting, management, planning, continuous improvement which can be applied in every field.
The courses that I will cherish the most are Lean Six Sigma, Strategic Management, Project Management and Advanced Project Management as I would be implementing not only in my professional life but also in my personal life. Operations Management has helped me boost up my confidence through self-evaluation and active discussion. Taking up MSOM has built me to make effective decisions and manage my work effectively.
I had the opportunity to work with students who challenged me to think out of the box and discussions with professors was very informational and helped me understand current industry best practices. I would highly recommend MSOM as it opens doors to many streams and there are lot of courses to benefit from.”