Alex Russo
Meet Alex Russo! He provides a unique insight to the classes in the MSOM program as well as what drove his decision to pursue the MSOM program.
“The fact that the MSOM was a technical degree with the broad reach to touch on different areas in the operations of a company was very interesting to me. It is a great addition to my first master’s degree which focuses on manufacturing management. One can say this degree is a like an MBA in that it teaches a variety of topics with rigor. I have heard great things about University of Arkansas and its approach to supply chain management and operations management.
Operations Research taught me different ways to analyze data in a deeper way in order to make sense of it using computer applications. It really changed my opinion of how much management science can do for you and save you time if you really learn ways it can help. Data Analytics was another class where I found out how using R could help me take a deeper look at analysis in order to not miss things one would miss otherwise. These two classes have inspired me to dig further into analytics since its invaluable knowledge. Lean Six Sigma was an amazing course in teaching me how a structured approach to continuous improvement can help you take big steps in finally gearing your way of thinking in the right direction. The main course that I think has the most value is the first course, Intro to Operations Management. There is so much value in this course and what you learn that you can apply it in different ways to any position you may hold now or in the future. I would say I value the textbook from this course the most because of the wealth of information it holds for one textbook.
I currently work as a Demand and Supply Planner for the automotive group at Robert Bosch. With the addition of the MSOM program, I hope to be able to have the flexibility of career progression and advancement with the leverage of advanced education.”