Logan Allen
I applied to MSOM because I had a friend recommend the program to me. He had nothing but good things to say about it, and the Rays were going to pay for it; therefore, I decided to do it. It also helped that I did not have to take the GRE test or have any other requirements to be accepted into the program. Hearing what Ms. Hickenbotham, who was my advisor at UAFS, had to say about the program made applying for this program an easy choice as well.
I had no problems with any of the professors, and I loved how some of them brought personal experiences and incorporated them into the class. This made the classes interesting and applicable to our work lives. I loved the Project Management courses. I had Phillip Jones for both of mine, and I really enjoyed his classes. He talked a lot about previous and current projects he had overseen and applied it to the course. I enjoyed the structure of his classes too where we would meet once a week on Zoom and discuss topics we were struggling with, or Mr. Jones would share some personal experiences that pertained to that week’s work. There is so much that goes into running a company. This program gives you a better understand of how to do this and stay ahead of the competition. Leading people effectively is a key step in keeping a company operating smoothly. How to improve processes was another tool I learned from this course. Company strategy is crucial to a company’s success, and it will most likely need to change or adapt to meet societal demands over time. These are just a few things I grew to understand through this course. I would feel confident in any role I were to obtain in the business realm, and I feel like I would bring value to whichever organization I work for following my baseball career due to the knowledge I learned from this program.